
The Speaker You’re Meant To Be

Michelle Barry-Franco
Calendar Icon Date:
Fall, 2018

Challenge: New program; big goals. Michelle wanted to attract leads and sell out her group program with clear messaging, using what’s been learned in the past + taking into account future goals for what she’d like it to be.

Solution: Voice-of-customer research that clarified messaging + a sales page draft that spoke directly to her ideal audience: entrepreneurs who want to change the world.

Wrote copy for:

  • Research summary
  • Wire-framed, long-form sales page


  • A sales page that attracted the ideal participants for Michelle’s group program
  • Research summary that continues to make writing sales copy + other marketing materials less painful than it was before
Testimonial Icon

"Working with Sara was a delight from the beginning. Every time she sent me anything, from initial questions to reports to the final sales copy document, I was jaw-droppingly amazed! She's so organized, clear and efficient - and yet so warm and wonderful, too. My clients even said they really enjoyed talking with her! All that and the outcomes of her deep dive research and copywriting just keep on giving. Not only did I attract perfect speakers into my group speaking program, I have gone back to that treasure chest of a research document full of my ideal clients' words many times to create Facebook Ads, opt-in pages and other sales copy. One of the best investments I've made in my business by a long shot. You are so smart to hire Sara!"

Michelle Barry-Franco
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